Incase of power outage? what do u do?


Active Member
well i live in San Francisco, and during this time last year there were a lot of power outages, is there anything i can do to protect my live stock? simple meathods, and what you guys do


Active Member
Obviously it depends on how long you have a power outage. But, the simplest way to avoid minor power outages (which is what around here at least seem to be) is to get a surge protector that has battery backup. They make them for computers mostly. It costs at least 50$ for one, and IME they last from 15-45 min depending on how much power you are sucking. I wouldn't plug the lights into it, for example, just the pumps. Anything much longer than that and you need to get a generator :(. I have heard of people setting up backup power using car batteries, but have no idea how.


Active Member
Small portable generator- ya its expensive, but so are my tanks and it is one pain in my neck i am willing to go through to keep my tanks safe.


Active Member
A UPS would work for you, that an uniterupted power supply,
they use them for computers, I got a deal on ---- bought 2 1000 watt units for 100 bucks, will run my pump for 3 hours or so,
a smaller tank can go alot longer,:)


Active Member
i had a 12 hour power outage last tuesday here in san diego...
i opened my blinds in my room for a little light (no direct sun though) and just..left it. Everything was fine..
i was worried about the tank though!


Active Member
i always keep my cell phone handy so that i can call the power company and let them know that way they can send someone out to fix it right away. ive had 3 hour outtages here in co, an dnothign evr went wrong!
good luck


They make a small pump that will run an air stone that runs on batteries, I use these to move my tnak and have used them during long power outages, no filtering, but definately water movement. Also, I am a scuba diver so I have a dive flashlight with high intensity lights and I just hang this in the tank. I don't know if this helped during my outage, but I didn't have any problems.


Active Member
A couple years ago I had an power outage overnite, in the middle of winter. I had no backup, nothing. All I did is throw a blanket over the tank to keep the heat in. It was out for about 5-6 hours before it came back on. Everything survived.


The advice I received from this board a long time ago for long power outages was to replace the filter media in my filters when the power came back on. I haven't lost any fish since. I do put a battery operated air pump in for my fish.