Increasing PH


Hey everyone. I have a question about PH. My tank, still new and cycling, has a fluctuating PH of about 7.7-8.2. As I understand it, 8.3-8.4 is best? My question is will the PH stabilize, or do I need to look into additives to stabilize it? I was at a large fish store today, and noticed a product by Kent which was supposed to raise and maintain PH/KH, but I forget what its called. Is there a natural way of increasing PH, or should I just get the additives? :)


Many people actually believe that the best Ph is at 8.2. It shouldn't fluctuate at all. What water do you use to take care of water evaporation? Tap water? You might want to check the water, and see what's the Ph. That might be the cause of it. Hope that helps...


Active Member
A tank full of nothing but saltwater will have a very steady pH, providing the temperature is steady.
A mature or more established tank with fish and micro/macro algae will have normal swings in pH from day to night.
A cycling tank - well .......
It should be somewhat stable, but maybe the bacteria are responding to day night lighting conditions, and causing them to be more active or inactive - which may be causing pH changes.
They do respire - require oxygen, which can affect CO2 levels, and may be causing the pH to fluctuate some.
Do you have any fish, live rock or alage in this tank ?
I would not mess too much with the pH of a cycling tank by adding additives.
Sometimes it takes months for a tank's pH to become stable. Sometimes.
What time are you measuring your pH ?


If it runs on the low side more than the high side I would use the buffer, I use the stuff everytime I change the water. also whats on the bottom--cc adds alot to ph as does real coral pieces (not live just real--dead but real know what I mean) Have you tested the kh or alkalinity . If that is low too buy a builder not a buffer--it is plenty high add just a buffer like seachem marine buffer. I sent my kh off the charts literally using a superbuffer dkh when all I needed was a ph boost. the jars look almost identical so read the labels.
Good Luck


There is a black molly in the tank (well, actually TEN of them now. Go figure. I *would* get a PREGNANT one :( Anywway, there's the fish, and about 40 lbs of live rock. I usually check the PH when I get home from work, about 12:30 midnight. I'll wait until the tank cycles before I worry about the PH if you all think thats the best thing to do :)


Active Member
I forgot to ask you what size tank you have cycling, and sounds like you have one adult molly and 9 baby mollies ? Wow - tough start for the kids - but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes.
Since you do have some fish in the tank, I wouldn't be surprised that your pH is swinging some, and I should have been more clear with my first reply - referring to the 7.7 pH reading.
That IMO is a little low - and if you wanted to add some pH buffer with your top off water as Kris suggested, I don't think you'll have a problem. I just don't like to make any drastic water changes to a cycling tank.
Maybe half dose what the buffer instructions say, and go slow. And wait 24 hours before measuring the pH again, before making any adjustments.
This is how I would approach it.
A cycling tank should be allowed to cycle without too many major chemical shocks - ya know.
Others may feel differently.
Good luck !


Thanks, Broomer, I appreciate the reply! The tank is a 55 gallon long. I'll be sure and take the dosage slow. I really want to get the tank stable before I start adding fish (and corals someday!) I have learned, from other people's unfortunate mistakes, that its best to make sure everything is adjusted and stable before adding anything live, and it'll be worth the extra time and effort, financially and emotionally :) I think I'll go ahead and get the buffer from One more question...which of these do you recommend?
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Thanks again :)
Sach "PH" to find more info. Baking soda will bring it up, I would be careful of additives. Make sure the person selling the product has used it and beleives in it.


Thanks for the advice, Anthem. I will certainly do that :) The Kent products I listed are supposed to balance the alkalinity as well as the PH, so I'm hoping that will simplify the process a bit, but I will still keep an eye on both. I'm currently monitoring Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, PH, Alkalinity, specific gravity and temperature during the cycling. I wasn't pleased with my PH tester, so I bought another PH kit when I was the LFS Saturday. I think the results are easier to read, and more accurate. THe tank had almost cycled, as the ammonia was 0 and the nitrites were falling; however, I added 40# of live rock, which started the cycling all over again, but I don't regret the decision :) Now I'm *really* wanting to add a DSB instead of that cursed CC substrate I have now, but the extra 150lbs of weight concerns me. I'm still trying to decide what to do about that > :( You have all been most helpful, and I sincerely appreciate it :)