Incremental addition of live rock


New Member
I'm setting up a 90 gal saltwater, my next step is to add live rock. I found a really good deal on about 50 lbs of live rock locally. This is cured rock that has been in his existing setup for a while. I know I'll want at least 150 total, but will not be able to get the rest soon.
Is it ok to add the 50 lbs now, and then add potentially uncured LR later? Maybe not even for weeks? Obviously I won't add any critters until the LR/LS is all in and it has cycled.


Active Member
I have been adding mine a rock at a time. When i first set it up, it was with about 30 lbs, then a few months later, i bought 20 lbs on line, and just cured it in a rubber tub. I never had any problems with it.
so yes you can add cured live rock after the cycle is complete.. You can add a little at a time as long as it is cured.


Active Member
if you have NOTHING in your tank living then it is fine to add it uncured to cycle your tank.
if you have critters in there then you would need to cure it outside of your tank.