Are there individual reflectors for the Nova Extreme...(not the Nova extreme pro) .....if not, does anyone have any ideas on a way to reflect more light or boost's the 4 x 54 48inch nova extreme.
Originally Posted by Payton 350 http:///forum/post/2598520
Are there individual reflectors for the Nova Extreme...(not the Nova extreme pro) .....if not, does anyone have any ideas on a way to reflect more light or boost's the 4 x 54 48inch nova extreme.
No they do not the pro does not either.
The only idea I can come up with is to upgrade.. Not being smart Alic just thats all I can think of that would truly be beneficial.
Aquactinics reflectors are only 2" wide. Not sure if that will work or not. They could be squeezed in a hair or so to make them slightly less than 2 inch's but not much..
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/post/2598747
Aquactinics reflectors are only 2" wide. Not sure if that will work or not. They could be squeezed in a hair or so to make them slightly less than 2 inch's but not much..
I think the width on the reg nova is alittle over 1¼.
i bought a set for my nova extreme and bent them and they were a major improvement over big single but not worth doing unless you have the fixture already or get it pretty cheap. i am pretty sure the pro comes with individual reflectors and thats why it has 6 bulbs not 8 so they can use some of the same parts already made for the eight bulb fixtures (i am guessing on using the 8 bulb fixtures parts many companies do this for cost purposes)
The Pro doesn't have true individually reflectors, it's 1 whole piece contoured into reflectors for each bulb. I have the 48" pro and really like it, so far everything is doing great in my tank.
that is still individual for each bulb even though its bent out of one sheet instead of the sheet being cut at each bulb. many retro individual reflectors for t5s are nothing more than a piece of reflector bent with a single fold .
Thanks everyone...yeah it's kinda what i figured...not much i can do except upgrade....was just hoping that something had come along in the last few years to correct this.
Originally Posted by chilwil84 http:///forum/post/2598958
i bought a set for my nova extreme and bent them and they were a major improvement over big single but not worth doing unless you have the fixture already or get it pretty cheap. i am pretty sure the pro comes with individual reflectors and thats why it has 6 bulbs not 8 so they can use some of the same parts already made for the eight bulb fixtures (i am guessing on using the 8 bulb fixtures parts many companies do this for cost purposes)
They do not have indavidual reflectors but parabolic reflectors.