Indigo Hamlet


New Member
Hi, can anyone give me some insight on the behavior of the Indigo Hamlet... I have read some stuff about it, like what it likes to eat and stuff but I just purchased one and have not seen him swimming around, he just mostly hides behind rocks and in caves...

And I think he ate two of my green chromis... I had 4 and can only find 2... There is also the yellow tang that seems to chase him around a bit. The tang is big so it can't get under the rocks very fast because he has to turn on his side to go under, but everytime the hamlet ventures out of his cave the tang is right there giving chase...


mr llimpid

Much like a grouper it will eat any fish that can fit into it mouth. Should eat most meaty food, to get it started try froven krill and silver sides.


New Member
Thanks Mr. LLimpid... I've only had him a few days and have not seen him come out to eat... I have the foods you mentioned, maybe I'll throw some in the tank before going to sleep...

mr llimpid

They can be shy in the beginning, but in time will get custom to you and there tank. Good looking fish. To bad that your yellow is harassing him, hopeful he'll stop. If he doesn’t you may need to rearrange the rocks, yellows are very territorial.