Indo-Pacific Reef - Lighting Question


New Member
I asked this over in the DIY section, but only got one reply, I am looking for a little broader response.
Short version, I am building a approx 90 gallon hexagon tank w/ equal 15" sides and it will be 30 inches tall and made of 1/2 inch glass.
I would PREFER to use Power Compacts, and just jam as many as I can get inside the canopy, but if I have to go to metal halide, I will.
I am a very experienced fresh water aquarist, keeping large planted tanks, so I know how to keep water balances and be responsible, but I am not arrogant enough to think I can jump right into stony corals and what not, I will start slow, and build. THe only fish will be a couple of lions (radiata and Antenata). Everything else will be invertebrate life, chosen for it's compatibility with an ecosystem dominated by lions.
DO I have to use MH in this setup? were talking 30 inches of water here, 5 of which on the bottom will be sand, so were actually talking 25 inches...
Can I keep a happy reef with soft corals, and eventually harder corals, and other light dependent invertebrate life in a setup using only power compacts?
If I do have to go to Metal Halide, how many watts and what type of fixture should I keep? I am concerned about the heat output of MH in my small apartment... so if I have to, I guess I have to.. but it is a huge concern.
Thanks for all your replies.


Active Member
PC or VHO would be ok for soft corals and MAYBE some LPS placed up high but if you want to keep SPS and dont want to have to upgrade need to go with halides. Iwoulkd say at LEAST 2x250w MH's preferably 400w but its up to you.