In all of the years that I have been reef keeping - I have been so lucky and have never had nutibranches, or if I did, some one ate it before I could see it!!
I know how I got these little tiny brown with black, coral eating buggers.... About 3-4 months ago, I purchased 5 pounds of frag rock at a LFS because I needed a few small rocks for the refugiums and I wanted to frag some of my zoo's that were spreading. *
So ... I noticed this past week that some of my polups were not opening .... I finally saw one and started to check out everything closer .... they are in all of my tanks!! ALL 4 of my reef tanks has these buggers on something and I think that I may have infested my son's 2 reefs tanks as I gave him frags!! *
I have been picking them off with tweezers, but gosh - it never ends!! We are talking 75 to 125g reef tanks!! Plus I can't hardly see them..... *
I read that you can remove the corals and freshwater dip them for 30 to 45 seconds to rid them ..... is this so???? * Should I remove all rock - one reef at a time, & fresh dip everything??
I think also that I have flatworms now too!! - I have had those before and I can rid them by sucking them off of the glass at night with small tubing ( the mandarin that I had before wasn't interested in them at all ) I do have a scooter, but I don't think that he eats them either.......
Lesson learned .... ALWAYS TREAT FRAG ROCK FOR PEST!!!!
I know how I got these little tiny brown with black, coral eating buggers.... About 3-4 months ago, I purchased 5 pounds of frag rock at a LFS because I needed a few small rocks for the refugiums and I wanted to frag some of my zoo's that were spreading. *
So ... I noticed this past week that some of my polups were not opening .... I finally saw one and started to check out everything closer .... they are in all of my tanks!! ALL 4 of my reef tanks has these buggers on something and I think that I may have infested my son's 2 reefs tanks as I gave him frags!! *
I have been picking them off with tweezers, but gosh - it never ends!! We are talking 75 to 125g reef tanks!! Plus I can't hardly see them..... *
I read that you can remove the corals and freshwater dip them for 30 to 45 seconds to rid them ..... is this so???? * Should I remove all rock - one reef at a time, & fresh dip everything??
I think also that I have flatworms now too!! - I have had those before and I can rid them by sucking them off of the glass at night with small tubing ( the mandarin that I had before wasn't interested in them at all ) I do have a scooter, but I don't think that he eats them either.......
Lesson learned .... ALWAYS TREAT FRAG ROCK FOR PEST!!!!