

New Member
there is an inflamation on my perculas right gill. it is kind white and puffy. it looks like it is spreading very slowly, and i am worried. what could it be and how can i treat it?


New Member
the tank is 8 months old. in it i house various hard and soft corals. i have a pistol shrimp a bulb anemone and the usual snails and crabs. the clown is the only fish i have, and is a wild caught true perc. i have only had it for two weeks. i bought it at the same time as a fridmani pseudochromis, which died overnight from an unknown cause. the tank has been free of fish for two months because of ich that ran through it. the water peramiters are closely watched for the sps coral i keep. the only one that could begin to cause concern is the water temp which is extreamly hard to regulate because i live in tucson. the inverts and corals are happy.


New Member
it worked! i treated the guy with a triple dose of spectrogram and a little vitamin c, and garlic which the lfs recommended. today i reacclimated him into the tank. the infection appears to be gone.