info on blue koran or blonde naso tang


I am very interested in both of these fish for my next upgrade. What's the minimum tank size how hardy are they, what diseases are they prone too? Currently i have a yellow tang, blue hippo and a green chromis, and a horseshoe crab in a 75.( i know i know, thanks lfs:mad: ) Would all these fish get a long well together? What would be the min tank size to keep all 5 fish healthy. Are they mainly veggie eaters, meat eaters, or a combo.
My second question is what is the best diet for a blue hippo and a green chromis. I've already read that YT love their veggies. Is this true and what kind can i feed them.
Thanks for any responses. Obviously i'm a beginner
jwtrojan44, I don't mean to disagree with you and I dont doubt that you have seen 15 inch blonde naso tangs. But I am a bit puzzled (though I dont know why I am as everywhere I turn in this hobby I get conflicting information).
I have a book, "The encyclopedia of aquarium fish" by ---- Mills. I have been using it to base many of my decisions off of in this hobby. The book says that Blonde Naso Tangs can get up to 12 inches, but only 6.9 inches in captivity?
Is there any explainable reason why my book would say this, other than it simply being incorrect. Is there any logical explanation as to why it would give the dimesions it does? Do fish interbreed between the same species and create mutt-like fish? Im just curious...
I did try and look in my book and find any other sources that the author could have cited or based his info on... I didnt find any in either the front or back of the book.


Word of advice...
Listen to the locals! :D
Books are helpful... experience is invaluable!
I personally have seen Nasos for sale in my LFS that are near 10".
The sizes you have noted are WAY unsizing it.


Active Member

Originally posted by TorranceJones
The book says that Blonde Naso Tangs can get up to 12 inches, but only 6.9 inches in captivity?

Probably because most are crammed into tanks that are too small. :(


Active Member
The book that I use for information is called MARINE FISHES by Scott W. Michael and it states that Naso Tang's maximum length is 18.1 inches. Granted they will never grow that big in our tanks but it gives you an idea of what their potentials are. HTH