Info on LED


Well i was going to build my own, but looking at the costs, it seems that it may be cheeper for me to buy the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w. Now my LFS told me all I would need is 2 of these on my 120, and that would support a full reef. Does this sound right to you?


Two would probably work. I will say that I'm hearing mixed reviews from the few people that own them right now.
Where are you looking at DIY? You can absolutely build a cheaper unit yourself!

mr. limpid

Active Member
2 of them you maybe pushing it to there max coverage, you would just have to plan out your coral locations per light requirements. 3 would cover your entire tank and you wouldn't need to worry about location. I've read only good things about this fixture, except the price, still cheap then others.


Active Member
I'm pretty confident 2 would cover the tank very well. Probably the best units on the market be it from color selection and coverage.....The units actually have excellent coverage, and I don't think you'll be stretching it a bit on a 120.....Honestly if we stop and think a little deeper on lighting a tank, we over light our tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449115
Two would probably work. I will say that I'm hearing mixed reviews from the few people that own them right now.
Where are you looking at DIY? You can absolutely build a cheaper unit yourself!
Curious about the mixed reviews you heard/read.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by forcrz6 http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449066
Well i was going to build my own, but looking at the costs, it seems that it may be cheaper for me to buy the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w. Now my LFS told me all I would need is 2 of these on my 120, and that would support a full reef. Does this sound right to you?
If you go to the other site RC and search the Radion thread you'll clearly see I think it's on page 44-45 where there is a 30"x30"x24" cube easily lit with just 1 unit......
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449115
Two would probably work. I will say that I'm hearing mixed reviews from the few people that own them right now.
Where are you looking at DIY? You can absolutely build a cheaper unit yourself!
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Two locals have them, one has had some of the LEDs already going out and the other is very unhappy with the color/spread compared to his other LED light on a separate tank.
LEDs going out I wouldn't call a real issue, although it shouldn't happen with what the cost of the fixtures are, but that happens to all units at some point. Nothings perfect....As far as the other person not happy with color/spread....Not really sure what they want.....The fixture has basically the best coverage on mass produced units, but color renditioning is purely a personal issue......


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449316
If you go to the other site RC and search the Radion thread you'll clearly see I think it's on page 44-45 where there is a 30"x30"x24" cube easily lit with just 1 unit......
LEDs going out I wouldn't call a real issue, although it shouldn't happen with what the cost of the fixtures are, but that happens to all units at some point. Nothings perfect....As far as the other person not happy with color/spread....Not really sure what they want.....The fixture has basically the best coverage on mass produced units, but color renditioning is purely a personal issue......
The main complaint was LEDs going out in under 3 weeks of use, and the company really not getting back to them about it, which is uncommon for EcoTech. I agree that it is one of the better plug and play units, but in comparison to what I've seen from DIY or Acan Lighting LED fixtures, which I swear by when it comes to a plug and play unit, I don't think they're worth the money, and that's what locals are finding.
Just wanted to throw it out there that there are some people that aren't happy with them.


Active Member
I do choke on the price.....I honestly can't justify it.....and I like to spend trust me....Just way to new and not really proven, and your right at least DIY when/if things would go wrong you know exactly where to start looking......I know your a fan of Acan, but they don't offer a broad coverage of the spectrum. They are still using same tech as AI, and we all know units running blues/whites are lacking....


Well i was working with acrylic51 and Meowzer, after seeing Meowzers thread on her DIY LED. Maybe i am just trying to over light my 120 and that is why the cost is more? Dont know. looking at these kits says that a total of around 48-55 LEDs should be good for my tank. But when I was looking at the DIY I was going for around 100 total. maybe that is why it is more expensive for my DIY. in short im doing it wrong?Thoughts?


Originally Posted by forcrz6 http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449338
Well i was working with acrylic51 and Meowzer, after seeing Meowzers thread on her DIY LED. Maybe i am just trying to over light my 120 and that is why the cost is more? Dont know. looking at these kits says that a total of around 48-55 LEDs should be good for my tank. But when I was looking at the DIY I was going for around 100 total. maybe that is why it is more expensive for my DIY. in short im doing it wrong?Thoughts?
Well looking back at what Acrylic51 stated to me in a PM, and somehow I overlooked it and thought he said more than this But 2 of the should be well enough for my tank. Now i am looking to put them on 2 Should this work, or would I need more Heatssyncs? if so, then the cost for these 2 would be lees then 1 of the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w.


Active Member
With the Radion 2 would cover a 120......If you look at the Radion thread over on RC around page 44 or so, there is a 30"x30"x24" cube tank lit with 1 and has excellent coverage, but coverage and such is dependent on height a fixture is hung.......
I don't think the heat sink you linked is big enough to stuff 36 LEDs on.......Here would be an approximate size Of course you could break it down on smaller sinks as well.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449342
With the Radion 2 would cover a 120......If you look at the Radion thread over on RC around page 44 or so, there is a 30"x30"x24" cube tank lit with 1 and has excellent coverage, but coverage and such is dependent on height a fixture is hung.......
I don't think the heat sink you linked is big enough to stuff 36 LEDs on.......Here would be an approximate size Of course you could break it down on smaller sinks as well.
Well per this. the total cost b4 I buy the thermal glue, and also the hangers and little stuff would be about the same if not 20 to 30 $ more than 1 of the Radions. So yea, that would be a great cost savings. i think I will have to revisit the DIY plan.


Active Member
I haven't priced the Radion fixtures, but if you use a ballpark figure of $700 that's $1400 for 2 units......Doing a 72 LED build would no way total that.....Even if you spec'd out (2) bigger drivers instead of multiple drivers as listed in the retro kit. Lets say you have (2) drivers @ $110.00 (36) Blue/RB @ $4.00ea= $144.00 (36) whites @$4.50ea=$162.....Heat sink on a 23" is $50.00 or predrilled is $60.00. Figure in optics so (72)@ $1.50=$108....Several options as far as dimming, but a small additional cost......Right there your at $ an734.00 and you still have to figure in wire, which isn't much, and other misc stuff your still under the $1000 price tag......


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/389901/info-on-led#post_3449361
I haven't priced the Radion fixtures, but if you use a ballpark figure of $700 that's $1400 for 2 units......Doing a 72 LED build would no way total that.....Even if you spec'd out (2) bigger drivers instead of multiple drivers as listed in the retro kit. Lets say you have (2) drivers @ $110.00 (36) Blue/RB @ $4.00ea= $144.00 (36) whites @$4.50ea=$162.....Heat sink on a 23" is $50.00 or predrilled is $60.00. Figure in optics so (72)@ $1.50=$108....Several options as far as dimming, but a small additional cost......Right there your at $ an734.00 and you still have to figure in wire, which isn't much, and other misc stuff your still under the $1000 price tag......
agreed. I am getting ready to build a light with 72 LEDs for a 120 and its gonna cost $730 with the controller im going to get.


Active Member
I have 2 radions on my 120g 4x2x2 these cover my entire tank and programing is easy.I have clams sps and lps no problems