Info on rabbitfish


The books I have are pretty sparse on info for these species. All I know is that they hve a toxic spine. Just need to know what they require (habitat and food). Thanks


Active Member
Typical rabbit needs a minimum tank size of 75 gallons, eats algae, particularly hair algae, also eats meaty foods, timid at first but will come out of hiding once comfortable, colormorphing body that changes with their mood or time of day, get to be 9+ inches one day, uh, will jump out if you scare them good enough, Other than that perfectly great fish for any tank. Will not mess with any fish or corals i know of. Look for a blue line rabbitfish. Very cool blue,teal,and green, and olive yellow with glowing bluish eyes.


Active Member
Typical price. Won't get much cheaper than that, if not MUCH more expensive. If you like it and have the right size tank get him. Just watch your hands.....