info on supplements


check out my stats below and help me out with different supplements I should be adding.
I have some hair and slime algea, so I do not want to promote algea growth. I also add essential elements once a week.
calcium kent:liquid reactor,kalkwasser,liquid calcium,turbo calc
micro vert
lugols solution
and some lighting


My god Joe, do you throw enough stuff into your tank man? :D
For me it's calcium and nothing else. You'll find lots of variation here...but if you do water changes you'll have PLEANTY of trace elements IMO


get your calcium about 480ppm and then just add aragamilk, it'll carry your calcium load and keep it about 480ppm The only others I add are iodine and DT's phytoplankton 3 times weekly.
Hope this helps


Active Member
You should ony worry about the Ca and alk, you can use sea chems reef builder to boost your alk, and reef advantage to boost your Ca, and then use kalkwasser to maintain the levels. Most of the other things can be introduced feeding quality foods. I dose iodine, but I would suggest you read up on its use and decide whether or not you want to use it. Try to avoid relying on a bunch of supplements, most of them are just a waste of $ and can actually lead to problems if they are used too often or incorrectly. You also want to make sure you have a reliable test kit such as salifert to test ca and alk levels. HTH


Just calcium and (lugols iodine for inverts)...
You don't need all the other stuff until corals come along...


all i use is kent essential elements, and kent super buffer dkh. i also use seachem amino acid & vitamins supplement (very good product imo). the reef builder and calcium (seachem) is a good line to go with. i try to minimize as much as possible, and make sure you don't over do it too fast. :p


oh, the iodine is good for your colt, but the essential element supplement has iodine, and i think the seachem amino supp. does as well. (correct me if i'm wrong, i'm not at home so i can't check to see for sure)


If you have shrimp in your tank, adding iodine can shorten their lives or even kill them. They absorb it into their exoskeleton and shed it much faster then they normally would to try to keep it from reaching toxic levels.
Personally I don't think there is enough evidence to support the necessary addition of iodine to any tank.


Active Member
I would like to see the evidence that supports that theory. True theres no real evidence that iodine is needed, but theres nothing to say that its not :rolleyes:


Adrian...scan Dr. Rons forum...his assertation, not mine but I trust his judgement.
I personally prefer to error on the side of caution...and since there is no evidence that it is needed...why add any?


Active Member
Im very familar with Dr.Rons work, and I respect his opinion, but it still dosnt proove that iodine is needed or not. This thing has been beat to death so Im not going to try and start a war over the whole iodine thing, but to this date, as far as I know, there is nothing to say that it does any harm adding it, when its used correctly, and there is also no proof that not adding it is or isnt a problem.
I heard from somewhere that shrimp do not absorb iodine through their exoskeleton. Adding iodine into the water does not help there molting.....they get the iodine they need throught the food they eat. I heard this awhile back, and i have no idea where. Just throwin it out there i guess.