info on transporting a fish


New Member
I have a friend with a salt water tank that is going to let me have some fish but i dont know about how long i could keep the fish out of a running tank??? He lives about 8 hrs away and i will have to bring the fish home in the car. Will the fish survive??? My idea is use a 20 gl tank i have fill it with my buddies water from his tank and drive home with the fish in it. I know as this site does fish are shipped but do they do anything else like stress coat???? Any ideas will help


Active Member
well what i suggest for a long drive .new 5 gal buckets with lids you can purchase at local hardware store.also purchase a battery operated air pump this can be purchased at most pet supply stores or fishing tackle solf for live wells .this can cost os low as 5 bucks poke a hole in the lid of the bucket just large enough for .tightly seal lid of container run airline through turn it on ,you have air for your fish for that long haul in a close to leak proof containeri do suggest using water from freinds tank for this.hope that helps


Active Member
Ask your friend not to feed the fish the day you plan on picking them up...this will reduce the amount of waste in the water once they are placed in the bucket for transport. ALso, not sure how cold it is in your neck of the woods so transport the fish inside the ******** of the car...not the trunk.
The bucket and battery operated pump will work well.


New Member
Never thought about feeding but thank for bringing that up. I do plan on puting the fish behind the seats in my suv and the air or heat depending on what the temp is outside. I live in Tenn. and the fish is in N. Carolina


Active Member
You can purchase O2 (oxygen) tabs at most local fish stores. When I moved tanks a few hours and took a day to get them set up again, I would break open and put an O2 tab into each 5g bucket every few hours. This accomplishes the same function as the air pump, but is considerably cheaper if you've got a bunch of buckets.