Information on saltwater kit at local pet store?


New Member
I was doing my weekly run to the local petstore and they had a display for a small fishtank. I overheard the worker talking about it being a new saltwater tank they were selling. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what it was and any info if I could buy it online.
-Acrylic Plastic
-Had to be around 5 gallons
-Light was hung over the water in the air, was tube design
-filter was off to the side of the tank on the outside, looked flat and rectangle
-Let off a light blueish glow
I'd really like to find out more about this kit. I've been looking to get into saltwater fish but I don't have the time or money to buy expensive filters, lighting, ect. for my 40g feeder tanks.


Active Member
A system like this is not going to be the way to get into saltwater. It's pretty universal that the bigger the tank the easier time you will have, and controversial as that may be, 5 gallons is certainly on the extreme "small end." Even seasoned reef aquarists have trouble keeping 5 gallon systems stable.
Besides, with what you are going to spend populating the tank, the cost of equipment won't be so bad... :thinking:
If I were you, I'd spread the costs of saltwater out by not going straight to reef. Start with one of your breeders, and just do a fish only system. All you have to invest in is a protein skimmer a small fish tank (maybe a 10 or 20 gallon) for a sump and an overflow. You can add the expensive lighting, powerheads, etc down the road when you are ready to upgrade to a reef.