

New Member
I am wanting to start a new saltwater fish tank and I was wondering if anyone could recommend books or where I can get good information on starting and successfully getting one going?
I was also told recently by someone that it isn't a good idea to have a 55 gallon tank, that I would need atleast a 100+ gallon tank is this true?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,


Active Member
Originally Posted by ang.womack
I am wanting to start a new saltwater fish tank and I was wondering if anyone could recommend books or where I can get good information on starting and successfully getting one going?
I was also told recently by someone that it isn't a good idea to have a 55 gallon tank, that I would need atleast a 100+ gallon tank is this true?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,

Look to the left of this screen and go to the aquarium supplies section under books. Lots of great ones. Get as big of tank as you can. Smaller the tank, harder to keep the chemistry right. If you really start to enjoy this hobby, you will be happy you went big. IMO. Before you do anything, read, read, read! Many of us could of saved a ton of money and heartache if we would of.


Active Member
Welcome to the forum!
First off any size tank will work. The larger the better as marine tanks must remmain stable. Larger tanks=easier to keep stable (think ocean). That said, just browse the "nano" section of the forums for some spectacular tanks under 20 gallons.
Is the 55 tank used? Was it ever medicated? Many freshwater medications contain copper. Copper=death to inverts in our tanks. If a glass tank was ever treated with copper there is a chance copper can leech out from the silicone seal. Other than that concern, go with a 55 if ya have it. The bigger tanks cost more to set up and equip, although the cost is not proportional to the size of the tank.
Books.. There are some good ones out there. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner is somewhat dated (He's coming out with a new edition) but still among my favorites. Also feel free to read up on the links at the top of this section of the forum titled "Helpful links for beginners"
Another great book is sold on this site titled "Marine fishes". Lists fish, compatibilities, difficulties in keeping, feeding needs, etc.
So what kind of tank do you want?


New Member
I am not really sure, if the bigger ones are easier to manage I think that I will go with those. I don't have a tank yet I wanted to get as much info and learn as much as I can before I actually buy. I have had fresh water fish tanks, but I think that the saltwater are so much prettier. Thanks for the info on the books, I want to learn and be ready before I spend the money, and I will go with a new tank. Thank you so much again


Originally Posted by ang.womack
I am not really sure, if the bigger ones are easier to manage I think that I will go with those. I don't have a tank yet I wanted to get as much info and learn as much as I can before I actually buy. I have had fresh water fish tanks, but I think that the saltwater are so much prettier. Thanks for the info on the books, I want to learn and be ready before I spend the money, and I will go with a new tank. Thank you so much again
Ah, you are already on the right track
You are researching before you buy. Think about what your budget is. In this hobby bigger is better, but Nano tanks are awsome as well. If you want fish then you will want to go for bigger. Nano tanks are gorgeous but they contain inverts, corals, and maybe one or two fish. This hobby isn't cheap and requires dedicaton. You seem like you are up for the fun, beauty, and hours of staring at your tank though! Ask us anything that you want to know