Injured clown fish


I have a pair of false percs that have been fighting for about two weeks now. The little one that is being picked on is very pale in color and has a little bubble in his skin below his bottom lip and another below his eye. I assume it is damage from fighting. He is now at the point were he just stays under a rock and hides all the time. Doesn't hardly come out to eat. My question is, should I separate them and put the hurt one in the QT so that he can eat and hopefully feel better? I also have two new fish in the QT ( I know I should only have one at a time), a coral beauty and a tiny sixline wrasse. Can these three fish be in the QT together? Or should I just wait a couple of weeks until the new fish come out of the QT and hope the clown is still alive to put him in the QT by himself? Or should I just leave the clowns alone and hope the fighting stops before it gets worse (they are the a 55g tank)?


Staff member
Can you take out the bully and put him in the QT? If you do that, by the time you return him to the tank, the other fish should be healed up and would have established some degree of dominance in the display.


Staff member
I can't can get one of those egg grates and separate him. However, the little guy left will recoup and by the time the boss gets back to the tank, he might find a "new kid on the block" ready for him!