Injured Flower Nem


Active Member
I was wondering if there was any chance of survival for a little flower anemone with a rip in it's foot area? A local reefer gave it to me, telling me it was a low light nem and it should do fine in my tank. It was in my 29, and it was totally fine yesterday (been in for about a month). Attached, opened, blah blah. Healthy looking.
This morning I came downstairs to a shrivled up nem that had moved with the cleaner shrimp hanging around it. I'm not sure if he hurt it or not, but I looked closer and it seemed to have a little rip in the side. I gently coaxed it into a shot glass and it immediatly took its footing in it, but it's still all shrivled up. Would it be safer for the nem to be moved to my five gallon, which doesn't have much lighting but is free of anything that would bug it? Would the death of a small Flower Anemone hurt the tank in the same way I've heard that other dead anemones would?
I'm having a horrible time with these tanks atm. =(


Are you sure it's not splitting? It might be that the shock of going from less than ideal conditions to your tank would trigger its instinct to split, thus making it twice as likely to survive. I'd put it back in the tank and wait and see how it goes. Taking it out will just stress it more and possibly cause its death quicker if it is in fact dying.


Active Member
No, it died. Turned to mush. I've seen pics of nems splitting, it looked nothing like this. Thanks though. =(


Sorry, maybe it was damaged to begin with? I'd talk to your LFS about getting credit because a month is awfully quick for something to die. If you're LFS is anything like mine, they'll understand. Mine gave me a free sixline because my devil damsel killed the other one!