injured Porcupine puffer


New Member
Hello everyone, the most recent adition to my 150 gal tank was a three inch porcupine puffer. unfortunatly during its first night in its new home one of the filter intake guards was dislodged and the puffer got sucked against the intake. By the time I became aware of the problem and dislodged the little guy he had suffered from some skin damage and his left eye, wich had been inside the intake was covered with a cloudy film. my best estamates are that he was stuck for one to two houres.
I have transfered the puffer to my treatment tank, and treated for stress with kent marine stress zyme but in all my literature I can find no references to treatment of the suction related injury to his eye. If any of you have had a similar experience I would appreciate any advise.


Active Member
Welcome to the board mcguiver

Sorry to hear about your puffer (they're my favorite).
You may want to copy this into the disease forum. There are some people more qualified to help.