Injured Star on WORKERS COMP...


His name is Lefty..
Yes. I bought him that way.
Feel free to send him donations..
He mentioned he would like a new 150 Gal tank to live in.
If someone wants to donate him one, I would be happy to help lefty out and pick it up.
Just let me know..


Active Member
Nice star!
I'm not totally sure, but I think it may be suffering from osmotic shock. From what I have seen, all stars with osmotic shock died. keep an eye on it, if its arms look like they exploded, melted, or just blew off, then it has osmotic shock.


Lefty will take your extra 200g. tank. thank you.
Actually , I dont know the method of amputation for this fellow.
But he does have a new little arm starting to grow there.
My other 2 stars are doing fine.( brittle, linkia)
I will look for these symptoms of star problems, But None visable yet.
Thank you for the advice Sir...
I am still a newb to reef life.


Cant keep a star alive? I have the opposite problem. I have a CC and a brittle. The CC took to eating mushrooms. I have pried him off of several recently. I have begun making a fuge just so I can house him safely.