Innocent Goldheart Trigger


Is the african goldheart a less aggressive trigger like a niger trigger or is it really aggressive like a clown trigger. I went to the fish store and they have a goldheart trigger that looks so scared. It hid under the live rock the entire time and when the guy took the live rock out of the tank it was like lost like it wanted to find another hiding space. It looks healthy, but so inncoent. Whats some cool less aggressive triggers that can be put with a dogface puffer?


Active Member
Goldheart are still fairly new to the hobby, lots of people are reporting early success with them...That said they are most similar in size and shape to the brutally viscous Queen Trigger as well as most closely related...I would be very cautious about getting a fish compared to a Queen Trigger.


Active Member
From the reports I've read and the video clips I've seen, Goldhearts have been very mild mannered. I would love to try one, maybe not now with some of the other fish I'm keeping, but I also have a Lei trigger, and don't want/think another silver triggers would be a good idea. As KJR mentiones, they are in the Balistes genus, so they are grouped with Queen triggers. Perhaps it's been because all of the Goldhearts I've seen have been no more then medium size, 8" maximum. We all know how personalities of fish can change once fish mature, and this is especially true of triggerfish.
I'm not sure of your budget (nor tank size) for a trigger tankmate for the Dogface, but have some suggestions.
Bluethroat Trigger (aka Half-Moon) -- Sufflamen chrysopterum

Indian Black Trigger -- Melichthys indicus

Sargassum Trigger -- Xanthichthys ringens



I had a large goldheart trigger for a while. Seemed pretty mild mannered with the other fish but mine at least hid in the rocks all day, especially when someone got close to the tank. Very pretty fish, too bad nobody got to see it. You could watch it swim from far away but forget it if you got close. So that's why I sold it... I don't believe in keeping fish that hide all day. Sounds like the one in your LFS is the same.
You can try a pinktail trigger. They're beautiful fish, outgoing and not so agressive.


There was a beautiful pinktail trigger in my LFS. I was thinking about getting it. Plus it is the perfect size I wanted to put in my tank, but I want to buy the perfect trigger for my future stocklist (Dogface Puffer, Snowflake Eel, Desjardini Sailfin Tang and Dragon Wrasse). So far I like the PTT the most. Any other suggestions anyone? I have a 125 Gallon with only a dogface puffer in it for now. I just upgraded from a 55 Gallon. Im not looking to spend no more than 150-200 dollars depending on how nice the fish is and its hardiness.