Input on Blue Velvet Nudi & flatworms...


My husband and I recently discovered that our tank was FULL of flatworms in our reef. We have been removing them through the syphon method, but they just seem to keep multiplying!! Will they affect my corals or my live rock? I am really uncomfortable using the FlatwormExit but I have been told that I can temporarily get a Blue Velvet Nudibranch and within a short period of time, it will chomp them up. Is that a good recommendation? I have heard several horror stories about how difficult they are to keep. I am confident that it will have PLENTY of food for a little bit. For the longest time, we thought it was some kind of algae, so we kept brushing it off right before water changes.
Come to find out, FLATWORMS!! Ewww.. and they are SO gross looking!! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!


I had success just using a pipit straw and sucking the buggers outta my tank. However, before that i tried the Velvet Nudibranch. One word of warning they love powerheads and filter intakes. like lemings off a cliff
, i never did get to find out how good they are and getting flatworms because they were constantly commiting suicide. i think if you "nudi proofed" your tank you'd be fine.


Active Member
do you have a sump? you can make a continuous syphon from top to bottom sump with a filter sock / media bag tied to the bottom. this is a great way to effectively syphon out tons of worms. do this for a week or 2, getting as many out as possible. then use flatworm exit, and syphon out all dead bodies. it is really a fantastic product. you only run risks of poisioning your tank if you dont syphon out the bulk of the population as each worm will release a small bit of toxin when it dies. so a mass extinction all at once will fill up a tank with toxins and kill stuff. if you do it right, there is no risk. i just did it a few months ago , and everything is fine - no fatalities and no trace of flatworms.