Installing a skimmer


Just looking for some info on installing a skimmmer which is too tall to fit under my tank. The sump is an ETS style sump. Wondering if the longer runs will cause the skimmer to not operate efficiently. Also wondering if this is something that is normally done? Need the taller skimmer because of tank size.

mr . salty

Active Member
My skimmer is also TOO BIG to go under the tank.So I put it on the floor nrxt to the tank.Two problems will need to be adressed.#1 make sure the return line is at a steady slope down to the sump.Any low spots(dips) or sharp turns WILL cause flow reduction resulting in the skimmer overflowing.I learned this one the hard way.#2 the micro air bubbles may disperse into larger bubbles in this longer run from the pump to the skimmer.I had to install a wooden air block,hooked to an air pump in the bottom of mine to counter this affect.But all in all it is working great.I also like having it out in the open to show it off.After all,,,we spend enough money on this stuff,so why hide it where we can't see it...Good luck,and if you have any other Q's or problems,,,,Please ask...