Instant Ocean...little white specs


I have been using instant ocean salt since I started. The bag I'm using now is almost gone. I've used it quite a few times. BUT, the last couple of water changes there are these little tiny white specs in the water. They go right through my filter. Some settle on the bottom and I don't pour those in, but some a floating in the water. They don't seem to hurt anything and they go away after a couple of hours, I think they sink. Have any ideas as to what they are? Is my salt bad? Oh, I usually let my replacement water sit for about 1.5 hours. Today, only .5 hours...I had to leave for work.

aqua blue

I usually try to let my "replacement" water change water aerate with an airstone for about 24 hrs. before I do the water change. I also stir the water and check the specific gravity during this time, while the salt continues to dissovle, and adjust it to be equal to the same level as the main tank water. I also match the temperature before changing the water.
You may be doing this too. I haven't had any problems with undissolved salt so far.


I don't know if it's salt. It seems really lightweight. Kind of looks like little plastic flakes, but I know it's not that. It's really weird.


I had the same problem with some IO I was using a few months ago. Is there any chance the bag has been near humidity or gotten damp? My bag was fine until it was not sealed properly and the salt got kinda crusty and was sticking together due to moisture getting in the bag. I ended up throwing it away because of the same reason you mentioned -- small, flaky white bits floating in the water. They will eventually settle/dissappear, but it takes a little while.

madd catt

That also happens if mix does not airate enough,perhaps 16 to 24 hours.your water could be more higher in a certain mineral too.


Yeah, I don't think it was sealed properly. I left some out last night for about 15 hours, it didn't go away. I'll just chuck the bag and get a new one. It goes away fast in my tank.
My water should have nothing in it. It's charcoal filtered, then R/O then Charcoal filtered again then uv sterilized. ( I get it from a drinking water place) There is nothing in that water. LOL


I actually am having the same problem also...I was going to post this morning and ask about it. My tank looked like it was snowing there was so many white flakes. lol. Surprisingly it doesn't seem to affect the coral or anything else though.