Interesting critters


This is my first time posting,
I usually just search for any info I need. I have noticed something strange growing out of my live rock though and I thought maybe someone would know what it is. I can't get a decent picture, but I might post one of my blurry pics later.
There are two of these things growing near each other. They are small green balls, about a 1/4 in diameter. They have this fine white 'hair' that reach for particles of debris and food. These seem to be recent so I think they are growing fast too. They are pretty cool and I wanted to make sure they are okay with a fish only tank. :thinking:
I also have these cottony white tubes growing everywhere. And after cleaning the sides of my tank this last weekend I found a colony of feather dusters or polyps. They don't look like my other feather dusters growing out of the sand. Those have big tubes with white 'feathers' and black pinchers. Those are about 1 in long and 1/2 diameter, or bigger. These are very short 'stumps' with pink fringe, they are so small I can barely see them. These are growing in the sand and lr.
Thanks for any info!


Sounds like it could be bubble algae. Do a search on the message board to find a picture to compare...or post a picture. If it is bubble algae, it is NOT a good thing. There are several postings about safely removing it (you don't want it to pop in the tank). I have also heard that emerald crabs will take care of it.


I've looked at the pics of bubble algae, but those are smooth. What I have is kinda furry, or maybe just spotted, and a light green color. It's also got very fine hair or tentacles that withdraw and then come back out to catch debris. Here are some blurry pictures.


Does anyone have any ideas? These things are growing fast. They now look kinda pointy like a pin cushion. Before long I'll be able to send in a better picture since they will be so much larger!


Not the feather dusters, the light green balls on the lr. Maybe they are qtip sponges. Someone once told me that my cottony white tubes were qtip sponges. Those look completely different than light green fuzz balls that have hair. I guess I'll look those up.


Active Member
yeah i didnt think you were talking about the feather dusters but i didnt realize that till after i posted :)


Well, I don't think these are qtips. I have tons of those. Here's a bad pic of them growing all over a rock. They are long, white, and vaselike. These new things remind me of an anenome. Although they might be some other type of sponge. It's pretty cool to watch them and the feather dusters eat. They are still growing and are definitely spiky all over. :notsure: It should be big enough soon to get a better picture.


Last night I tried to see if I could remove one of the green balls. When I pushed at it with a net it shrunk in size. It looked like I had tried to squish it even though I didn't. I've seen anenomes do this where they draw in their tentacles and become tiny blobs. :jumping: Later when I looked at it again, it had expanded to its full size again. Hmm, very interesting. :thinking:
Anyone have any new ideas what these could be?