Internal or external pump......


Active Member
Im in the process of setting up my fuge (finally)and am trying to decide on whether or not to go with an external or internal. For my skimmer sump I run an Iwaki pump and am happy with it but I want to spend that kinda money again just for the fuge. Two concerns:
1. spaces is getting limited under the tank external might make it really cramped
2. HEAT I have a concern that it might start causing a heat issue. My tank runs about 81 degrees, any idea how much heat an internal pump would generate in contrast to an external. In case you have any questions on the setup here it is:
55gal tall tank
175mh 10k lights
2-no 36inch actinics
Iwaki 20xlrt external pump (about 540g/h)
euroreef 5.3 skimmer
2 ph (thinkin of removing these with the new pump)


Active Member external pump can add as much heat as an internal, and an internal pump run external (like a Mag/external) can run even warmer..
Neither type of pump should add an excessive amount to your tank, but if your running right at the edge you may want to add a fan over the sump or tank to promote evaporation/cooling...

bang guy

External pumps add significantly less heat to the water in my experience. They both will definately add heat though.
A not commonly known fact is that an internal pump consuming 500 watts of power will add about the same amount of heat to the water as a 500 watt heater.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
External pumps add significantly less heat to the water in my experience. They both will definately add heat though.
A not commonly known fact is that an internal pump consuming 500 watts of power will add about the same amount of heat to the water as a 500 watt heater.

This I didnt know! but the pumps I am loookin at are btwn 40-70wts.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
External pumps add significantly less heat to the water in my experience. They both will definately add heat though.

Overall I'd agree with that, but lately my Velocity T4 has been "acting up" and will on occasion warm the tank by 3-4 degrees in one day (fortunately, I check temp daily)...similar to what Kip posted experiancing...A good cleaning and reinstall and the pump/tank runs cool for another 4-6 weeks...
On the other hand My T3 has given me no trouble, no heat issues over the last 6 months...


Not to hijack the thread. but i noticed a heat rise of 4 dregres when i first added my external lifegard pump then it dropped to a 1 dregree rise after a few days.anyway i was thinking about adding aluminum heat sinks to back of the pump the same could be done for the Iwaki pumps also think would cool the running temp alittle?


Active Member

Originally posted by wrassie86
Not to hijack the thread. but i noticed a heat rise of 4 dregres when i first added my external lifegard pump then it dropped to a 1 dregree rise after a few days.anyway i was thinking about adding aluminum heat sinks to back of the pump the same could be done for the Iwaki pumps also think would cool the running temp alittle?

my Iwaki runs cold, not worried about it. I am just trying to save space though as well as cost. the internal sump is about 60 bucks another Iwaki is double.


iwaki runs cold huh guesse i'll have to get one:D
anyway why dont you just use a CAP pump or Rio.i will be using a CAP 800 gph pump for my new sump i'm building.just for refence my tank is bigger but in it are
2 175 mh
1 hagen 930gph PH
2 PH's
1`RIO 200
1 RIO 1700-skimmer
1 little giant pond pump 375gph (heat monster)
1 lifegard 1140 gph external
I think thats all of them and my tank runs at 81 granted half of those pumps will be gone when i get the CAP pump then i hope for a 2degree drop
Do you have fans for your MH? i see your already at 81 or a fan to blow arcoss the water?


Active Member

Originally posted by wrassie86
iwaki runs cold huh guesse i'll have to get one:D
anyway why dont you just use a CAP pump or Rio.i will be using a CAP 800 gph pump for my new sump i'm building.just for refence my tank is bigger but in it are
2 175 mh
1 hagen 930gph PH
2 PH's
1`RIO 200
1 RIO 1700-skimmer
1 little giant pond pump 375gph (heat monster)
1 lifegard 1140 gph external
I think thats all of them and my tank runs at 81 granted half of those pumps will be gone when i get the CAP pump then i hope for a 2degree drop
Do you have fans for your MH? i see your already at 81 or a fan to blow arcoss the water?

fans are already in the case for the lights. I am not willing to stick them just up on top to be honest a bit tacky in my opinion. The Iwaki runs much cooler than the external quiet one I had, hence the reason I am concerned w/it as an internal. Granted it has been years sinice I ran it though, hopefully its improved. I shy away from the rio's since there will be backpressure on the pump (eventually I will hook a scwd up to it) and I have read several threads about the burning up/catching fire. I think I am going to go with the quiet one 300 and see how it goes :nervous: with this going It should put my circ in the tank at about 22x turn over, which is definitely getting towards the upper end. I also am thinking in the back of my head that the extra air exposure in the sump (will be two boxes now, a sump and a fuge) that this will help keep the temp in range.
The other thing is I am trying to build for the future too. I will upgrade the tank to a 90 gal the next time I move so I want to do major overkill for the 55 in the hopes of not spending much to upgrade the tank in the future.