Introduced coraline rock, now gone!


Hi all, I introduced a couple of polyp corals around 2 days ago and their rocks was covered in purple coraline. Today, there is no coraline at all. I dont know what happened, I have 5 watts per galon and my water parameters are fine calcium/alk/ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/PH. I even use RO water from wallmart.
any help?
Its a 5 galon with a 24watts fixture. There is only around 7# of rocks and they had some green algae, but I brushed out. I do water changes every week or two.


BTW I have 3 hermit crabs that where eating on those rocks all day. But I never heard of hermits eating coraline?


Active Member
Can you post your actual water parameters?
How long has the tank been running?
Do you have anything in the tank other than the hermits?


nop, no urchins
water parameters:
calcium: 450
Alk: 12
ph: 8.2
amonia and nitrite: 0
nitrate: 15
there is 1 yellow watchman goby.


Active Member
wow i hv never heard of coraline algae going away within days. i hv seen them turned white 1st.


well yeah i am pretty sure that its gone away since the rock looks tan not white. I think those hermits are eating it. I will boil them up
jaja j/k
I also had alot of hair algae, and I removed with a toothbrush. Now there are some purple shadows around the rock. Well see

scopus tang

Active Member
Not trying to be funny, but have you brushed the rocks to make sure they are not covered in a diatom bloom? Thats the only reason I could image rocks going from purple to tan in two days.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Netopr
well no, I haven't brushed them. Also I am not using any Cal reactor,Kalk, 2 part
I would check your test kits.I dont think IO Calcium is that high right out of the bucket . Are you adding anything to the water?