Introduced Dragonet


New Member
Just introduced a dragonet and he seems to be happy with his new tank after about a week....
I have a Powder blue Tang who seems to be quite upset about him being in the tank....
Need any information about everyones experience with a mandarin dragon being in the tank with a PB tang...
Also what do you feed your dragon????
55 gallon About 12 months
Everything looks on water conditions
I have a percula clown
Blue Damsel
two coral banded shrimp
clean up crew
whoa, dude... you mean you didn't research before you bought a dragonet??? -_-*
Wellll ... how big is the tank..? They feed on different type of pods in your tank... but they eat them really quickly so you will need a huge tank or they will starve to death after they eat all the pods.
Do you have large amount of LR for the dragonet to hide in? They enjoy heavily decorated rockscapes

ed r

As mentioned in the earlier post, most Mandarins eat only pods. A 55g will probably not have enough live rock to sustain him for very long unless he eats other food like brine shrimp (not common for them to do that). A 55g is also pretty small for a young Powder Blue, and very small for one that grows. As far as the tang getting along with the Mandarin, it shouldn't be a problem for long. The Mandarin hugs the bottom and rocks. The tang likes open water. They just need time to get used to each other.


Active Member
I have had a mandarin in a 55 w/ 70lbs lr and a 1 month old dsb for about 4 months now. I have a 20g started up as a refugium to produce pods as the mandarin is not the only pod eater in my tank. In the meantime I hatch live baby brine shrimp and feed twice a week turning off the pumps so the brine will settle into the rocks and let it feast for an hour or so. Everyone is growing, fat and happy so far. Good luck with yours.