Introducing Xenia?


Active Member
Picked up a bunch of Xenia from a friend today, but was not 100% on the proper way to add it to my tank. This is my first coral in a FOWLR tank under PC lights.
I turned off both PHs in my 75g and after a 1hr + drip I slowly added it piece by piece and let in free drift till it settled. I then moved a few large pieces around to specific areas and lodged it into some LR crevic's.
Is this the best / only way? Was this ok? Think it will be ok?


Active Member
Sounds good to me. If some dont stay I would get a little cup and put a small rock or rubble in the bottom and put it in there for a couple days until it attaches then you can put it where you want.


Active Member
xenia is very tough in general. in fact, i didnt even acclimate it when added to my fowlr. now, i got more xenia in fowlr than my reef.


xenia seems picky, i basically just threw some pumping xenia in my tank and it grabbed hold nad took off, i added some pink xenia in the same way yesterday and its not looking good...water params are fine