invert package from this site


New Member
I am planning on getting a invert package from this site. I have a 46 gallon bow tank, with 90 pounds of LR and a 5" DSB of live sand. I am wondering which package would be best suited for my tank, the 20-55 gallon or the 30-90 gallon. Also, the 20-55 package includes a coral banded shrimp. I have read on this forum with people having problems with the coral banded shrimp being aggressive to other shrimp. Should I not get a coral banded shrimp, so that if I decided in the future to get cleaner shrimp I would be safe?


I think either package would be fine. As far a the Coral Banded, I think they get a bad name. I have one and and I love him. I have him with cleaner shrimp and he never bothers them. I think it is up to you wheather or not to get him. If you do get the package that includes him, keep it in the bag, and sell or trade it to your LFS.
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