invert packages


I am thinking about getting the following package from this site.
20-55 Gallons
10 Scarlet Reef Hermits
20 Blue Leg Hermits
20 Turbo Snails
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab
2 Brittle Star
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
3 Emerald Crab
I already have some snails and blue leg hermits so I know their story, but the scarlet reef hermits, the sally lightfoot crab and the emerald crabs are new to me. Are these all reef safe.
Some of the snails, blue legs and CBS will go into a different tank so I don't overload, but will the others be okay?
My tank is a 55 gal, tons of LR, CC (I know go to a DSB. I am working on it), PC lighting, millenium 300 PF, UV filter and Seaclone Skimmer (Again I have no troubles and love it.). I have both hard and soft corals.
Could you break down the functions for me? Thanks!!!!! :D


for starters: when you're at the home page of, click on info for hobbyists, then click on the invert category, then click on each type of animal on the left to read more about them. it gives a nice, quick summary. other than that, you can do a search on this board for each type or search the web. HTH :cool:


Originally posted by JohnnySalt:
for starters: when you're at the home page of, click on info for hobbyists, then click on the invert category, then click on each type of animal on the left to read more about them. it gives a nice, quick summary. other than that, you can do a search on this board for each type or search the web. HTH :cool:</STRONG>
the scarlet reef hermits, sally lightfoot crab and the emerald crabs are all reef safe in my experience.

nm reef

Active Member
I've got the same package in my 55 reef....and except for NEVER seeing the sally I love 'em....they've never been a problem and a always busy love to watch .em.........good luck with yours........


I just received mine (the same package) a couple of days ago. They are all reef safe. But in my case, I opted to exchange the scarlets for emerald crabs for two reasons; I have plenty of bubble algae and I heard the scarlets kill the blue leg hermits for their shells. So I opted to have just one kind, and I chose the blue leg hermits instead of the scarlets. Also the scarlets grow bigger and require upgrading of their shells the blue legs grow too but not big enough to require upgrading of their shells. Should they grow, I have plenty of shells for them. My Sally is the prettiest crab with neon green stripe running perpendicular to the plane of the shell just below the eyes highlighted by a pair of very mobile antennae with neon green tips. It is brisk like a spider and it's all over my tank looking for hair algae.The emeralds are OK too, they are eating my velonias, hair algae, and some coralline algae(grrr!) The CBS is also awesome although it is nocturnal and spends most of the day hidden in the crevices. I love the package, I think you will too. With the free shipping, you can't go wrong. :)
[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: Mithrax ]
[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: Mithrax ]


I have ordered and ordered from this site -- I have always received by inverts in top shape and I have never had any dead ones arive. I would highly recomned them. scarlets are excelent algae eaters that are totaly reef safe I have never has a scarlet eat any thing but algae. the sally will eat plenty of algae. --- the emerold are excelent algae eaters they munch down hair algea how ever when there is no more for them to eat my turned on the start pullops and started eating them. as with all crabs... they are will eat any thing if hungry enough... ;)