Invertabrae- is this enough?


I was wondering if this would be an ok amount of invertabrae for my 55G tank:
10 scarlett crabs
10 hermit crabs (blue legged)
1 coral banded shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
2 queen conch
10 nassarius snails
10 turbo snails
would this be sufficient? are there better invertabraes to purchase versus others? Thanks!!


I wouldn't mix bluelegs and scarlets, bluelegs tend to be more aggressive. Look into the jade hermits they have for sale here, they are on sale, what about just getting 20 of those.
Conch's should not be added to new tanks, they need good established systems.
I personally don't like any crabs in my tank... they are opportunists. A good mix of snails is best, IME.


IMO I would stay away from conchs... as for the crabs use blue legs or scarlets not both. you could go with the Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab. I've used them all and the zebra's tend to be pretty peaceful compared to the others. Like Joojoo said The jade hermits on sale here are rather cheap and are also peaceful. I also would tend to stay away from coral banded shrimp I've seen many get alittle too aggressive for my taste and would even go after me if given the opportunity. The snails you have shown are a good mix. Cerith snails are also pretty good at maintaining your algae and like to go into the sand so they keep that sifted alittle too. as though the nassarius snails are really all you need for keeping your sand sifted. Just keep in mind this is from my own experience and its my opinion. Other people have had different experiences so in the long run its really upto you.


Active Member
i have scarlet, red, and white legged crabs and they all get together fine so far.
i wouldn't suggest the coral banded though from reading that they can be nasty. i don't think 10 turbos will find enough to eat in your tank, and would suggest astrea's in addition. maybe 3 turbos and 10 astreas to start.
I have a peppermint, cleaner, emerald, and sally light foot. All seem to get along. My blue leg hermit is fine too. I would start with less and follow the recommendations above.


Active Member
sounds sufficient but I would have gotten a fighting conch over thr queen conch. they will outgrow the tank and dont eat diatoms off the sandbed like fighting conch.