


does it matter if i buy a cleanup crew or misc crabs etc if it is a reef or fo tank?
I have a 77 with only 20 lr and a yellow tang a tomato, i would like something to put in that can clean food that falls onto the bottom, what is compatible?
also can frreshwater crayfish be put in a saltwater tank? if slowly introduced to salt water ?


Active Member
i highly doubt any freshwater creature will survive in saltwater, and i personally wouldnt try something out like that since it will kill/harm a creature that has done nothing to you
my opinon, i would get a sally light foot crab, a cleaner shrimp, some red scarlets (more expensive then blue leg hermits and might seem the same but blue legs will attack turbo snails to steal their shell and will attack eachother for bigger shells, my blue leg stole my scarlet's shell and left it to be eaten by my cleaner.. WHILE ITS STILL ALIVE! red legs are more friendly and my opinion better), emerald crabs are friendly, blood/fire shrimp are friendly also. These things are good for cleaning the left over food, shrimps will usually jump out of their rocks just to get that piece of food, very interesting to watch
Coral banded shrimp have been known for grabbing certain fishes and killing it, and have also been known for attacking other shrimps also, its just a warning but some people have had no problems with their coral banded
ArrowCrabs, yes they do clean left over food, but have been known for scareing fish away and would eat a fish if they were able to catch one
Mantis shrimp, stay away from this predator, will kill everything in your tank
Best of luck to you and feel free to ask more questions if you have any


ive put 2 freshwater fiddler crabs in my saltwater tank they been in there for 2mths now one recently died but they were really meant as food 4 my trigger but he didnt eat it so i kept them as pets there are in my reef tank.


New Member
I was not clear if it is a reef or not. Scarlets are good blue legs can get a little mean sometimes. coral banded shrimp and cleaner shrimp work well too. my scarlet hermits are pigs and never harm anything.


New Member
no problem. That just opens up your options more. You can get critters that in a reef would be a bad idea. check out they sell cleanup crews. I got one from them and was very pleased.