Invertibrate only stock list?!

Its been a while since i have posted about my somewhat new 5 gallon invert only tank.It might have a possible fish. But we have kinda nailed down the stock list. Comments are appreciated.
2-sexy shrimp
1-feather duster
1-blue legged hermit.
1-clown goby(my brother really wants one
Ooooooh sorry i havent bought any ot these things for the tank yet, it is still going through an algea phase. it only has LR & LS,and a blue legged hermit. I was wondering if that stock list was suitable for the tank?


I think that your stock list would work, but make sure that the hermit has enough food tho. So do you have any pictures.


Active Member
The feather duster, if it is a large one, could be an issue as typically you add some sort of particulate food for it...that can overwhelm a 5 gallon tank.
ophiura~would you recommend any other interesting invert to replace the feather dusted?
and about the pics i am not really sure how to post them on a mac. in not very tech savy. lol,sorry. it only has algea and a hermit in it so it is still boring.
Ok so today my brother(Fish are Good)and i revamped our ideas. For starters we purchased a new 5.5 gallon standard rectangular all glass tank. We decided the awfull,ugly acrylic bow front 5 gallon looked terrible. so we removed the contents and transfered them to the new 5.5. we also rigged the light from the old tank to fit it. Now we are letting it have a short resting/recycling time. It looks much better. we also modified our stocklist.
2-3 sexy shrimp
1 blue legged hermit crab
cluster of cheato,or another plant
you may have read my brothers post about pipefish,in the forum about seahorses-pipefish. any comments-suggestions would be great(ps.we are still waiting for our new buld to come in,its a 50/50 actinic and daylight. cant wait!)