Inverts and Fish pics


Active Member
Well here they are. Things settled down alittle better sooner than expected.
First Shot is my new emerald with my sun polyps and one of my dads duster clusters (he ordered one and got 4 chunks).
Second is my new cuke actually alittle prettier than my other one. He is a yellow orange and about 4 inches streched out (dont worrie about them starving I have to use tap and have lots of diatoms lol).
Third is one of my featherdusters can call this featherduster forest lol.
Forth one my second duster I ordered. They gave me bolth hawiians this time but last time I got a really pretty orange one that looks blood red under moonlights.
Fith one is some of my new hermits. Last time I ordered my hermits were about -- long (not kidding) This time since I ordered 35 (15 for me 20 for vickie) they sent us some about

so big. There already moving into new homes.



Active Member
1st shot is my New False percula clowns or Ocellaris clowns.
2nd shot is same but closer. The brighter orange one is going to be the female as she is alot more bossy than the other (sometimes woman can be like that ).
3rd shot is one of the my new sallylightfoot crabs (the other died ) but this one here is missing 3 legs (call him legless joe).
4th one bad shot (he wouldnt move) my new star. He looks like the same species but diffrent colors and smaller than my other one. (serpent star)
5th one is what is suppose to be my royal gramma. I was worried about him but he seems to be alright and is just hiding right now. On the cam you could see his head but on here it shows him black (I promise he is dead center in the pic).



Active Member
6th one Front shot of my Cherub angle (in hiding right now as well)
7th shot is a super fast shot of a side view (he wont hold still for me right now lol)
These arent the greatist pics in the world but im glad I got my new inverts.



Active Member
Pics will be better in a day or two (when everything calms down.) If you were cramped in a tiny bag with about 3 inches of water for 10 hours you wouldnt sit still either lol. Heck I dont like being cramped in the car for 15mins (I wanna MOVE


Active Member
I will try to get one tomorrow. I moved alittle bit of stuff around and all that good stuff. I have trouble getting full tank shots though.


Active Member
Looks Great Snipe!! Congrats on the new stuff!! I love your cherub! theres such a goodlooking little fish! Cant wait to see more pics after theve settled in to there new home!! Good job bud! Todd :cheer:


Active Member
Thanks alot todd. I got that guy for $15 (its a $35 fish on the net and locally I have no Idea what it goes for).


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1st is my advanced techknoledgy of superglue and "things". I got tired of the duster clusters blowing around so I got them all rounded up pulled a rock out of my fuge and glued the clusters to a rock.
2nd ALOT better pic of my gramma lol. He still isnt venturing around the tank yet but he is coming out and inspecting everything.
3rd shot and 4th shot are alot better shots of my Cherub or Pygmy angle. You really cant tell how bright he is because I have to turn my actinics off to take pics that is why all the rocks look green. If I leave them on everything looks super blue (at least through the camera lense). That is why my full tank shot always looks brighter than the closups lol
5th shot is my full tank shot. My one anemone keeps coming loose and floating to the back of the tank if he so willingly wants to be there then fine. I just left him there and have to feel around with my "gloved" hand to find him so I can feed him.



Active Member
Looks great Snipester!!! Much better. My 70 gal is only 7 months old! Hard to belive. But anyway keep it up and get us some more pics asap! Todd


Active Member
My tank is about 9months (started in january) and started reading in late november lol. I am glad though. My fish list is stocked and now its coral time!!!!!!!!! lol.


Active Member
Oh blemmy I will get you some growth shots tomorrow (show you how well everything is spreading)


Active Member
Sounds great Snipe, Ill be out of town tomorrow till late in the evening, ill check it then. Mean time im about to post a few more pics from the other day, go check it out in a few minutes. Todd