inverts in fish only


Active Member
Got 35G fish only tank containing
2 percs
Royal gramma
2 Turbo Snails
Is there any suitable inverts for a tank of this type, or is it better to stick to fish only?


Active Member
Thanx for the replies.
I have coral Gravel and coral sand with UGF at the moment. I know the risks of UGF but will keep going with it for now.
No LR, but getting some as soon as my QT is fully running.
Are the shrimps and hermits sensitive to nitrates?


Active Member
I have a group of three Peppermints in a 29g w/ a Royal Gramma, and a Perc. They add alot to the tank, and don't cause much trouble with any of the other livestock.


Camleback shrimp are not reef safe and if not fed properly they will eat other shrimp like cleaners and peppermint. If you want shrimp i woulod go with peppermint and cleaners they are the most gentle two shrimp.


My vote goes to the peppermints too. You could also do stars. Which kinds depend on whether you want to add any corals later. I like chocolate chips they are easy and fun but will eat corals. I like conchs as well similar to snails but more entertaining and will keep the floor clean.


I feed my cbs every second day . . . I thought they were content with what food they received but I know they devoured 4'' cleaner shrimp. My husband says that the cleaner shrimp died and the cbs just where eating the carcass and I thought the opposite - now I know I'm right. Does any one know if I put in a sixline wrasse - will my cbs eat it? I love watching my cbs but I don't want them to eat anything else in the aquarium. I also swear they ate my sea slug - it was at least 2'' long and then there was none. No carcass to be found any where when I noticed it missing the next day.


New Member
I have a 25g tank with CC. It has a small stripped damsel, two clowns and a purple psudo. The fish share the tank with a condy anemone, chocolate chip starfish, an electric scallop, an anemone crab, a couple snails and a couple hermits. The only fighting is between the psudo and damsel and they usually respect each other's space. I had a purple pincushon sea urchin but it died a few months ago. (either water condition or improper feeding, shame on me)
So you can have fish and inverts in that small of tank.
The inverts are soooo cool.
Good luck


bad, thats a really well stocked tank. How long have you had it up and running? What type of filtration do you use? Most of the guys on this board had me talked into DSB, but that's a nice stock w/CC...