

I have a 20 gallon tank with a mated pair of clownfish, a blue & pink spoted goby, 1 tiger pistol shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, 10 snails, and 3 scarlet hermits (but i think the pistol has eaten all the scarlets in the past week) .
Will any of these cause problems with the clownfish spawning? Will any of them eat their eggs?


Active Member
They'll all eat the eggs, including mom and dad. The eggs would have to be in a seperate tank with special requirements in order to survive.


Active Member
The snails may leave the eggs alone, but the rest will eat them and the young. If you intend to breed clowns, they need their own tank or you have to remove the eggs to a seperate hatching tank for them to survive.
And yes, your pistol shrimp most likely did eat your hermits as they are on it's main menu!