iodine and iron

nm reef

Active Member
I'm sure they are important...about the same as daily vitamins are "important" for us human folk. Iodine is present in most decent salt mixs and I've heard iron is good for macro algae growth but I don't know if iron is present in sufficient levels in salt mixs.
The only source of either in my system is via water changes and I'm fairly confident that both are maintained at adaquate levels so I've never considered supplimenting either.

bang guy

I've seen symptoms of low Iron in reef tanks. Not often but it happens. Keeping up with water changes will prevent that. It usually looks like bleaching or just bad color. It's NOT a case of "More is better" though. An OD of Iron can cause an difficult to control algae bloom and this can case a LOT of stress for delicate corals.
I have never ever ever seen any sympton of a tank deficient in Iodine. The typical reef tank has 10X more Iodine than natural salt water so you should be asking about how to remove it. Excess Iodine usually starts with shrimp molting excessively and then dying. A severe Iodine OD will always end in a tank crash.


Okay, so what would be a way to remove iit, if it tested high? :notsure: