iPod Replacement Parts?


Active Member
I have an iPod Mini. This weekend, I accidentally dropped it off the deck onto the rocks down below.
Well, as you would guess, its all scratched up. Does anybody know the approximate cost to replace:
1) The metal covering
2) The glass screen
3) The clicker wheel
Im not replacing everything. Im just looking for estimates. Thanx
*I will also add that I have the 3 year warranty.


You could drain the battery until it won't charge much at all, take it back and when they replace the battery, they'll usually replace the case and stuff if its scratched. Or at least that's what I was told by the people at the Apple store near me. I have the regular iPod though.


Eh, I just spoke with my friend here at work that used to work for Apple Support, and possibly the only way you can get it repaired is if it doesn't work, and you can call Apple and say it doesn't work. I'm looking for parts online to see if someone offers replacements, no luck as of yet.


Active Member
oh ok, i didnt know that. so you guys are sure that if they have to replace the battery, they will also replace the metal covering?