

Active Member
Looks like Iran is next after we leave Iraq. I'm not debating whether the war was justified or not. All I am saying is that the events that led up to the war in Iraq are being repeated exactly in Iran.
UN nuclear seals have been broken by Iranian scientists, and now they are threatening to block UN inspections. Looks like our brave military men and women might be going overseas yet again.


Active Member
Iran is a little bit of a different story... they're threatening nukes...b/c they ACTUALLY have them... and they're also threatening to start trading oil in the euro - a move that would destroy the WORLD'S economy.....
so....I'm not saying WAR is justified, but it IS very different from the Iraq war.


Active Member
My wife's boss was exiled when the current regime took power in the late 70's and has not been able to see the family he left behind since. He has said that an invasion of Iran would be a good thing and supports the idea completely. He says they are very repressive.
Must be like the Iraqi people that came to America when Saddam took power. They seemed estatic to see us invade.


Active Member
I am for taking out the nuke plants and any assoicated stuff. I seriously doubt we will put boots down in the country and it will be done by aircraft anbd cruise missiles.......There really is no need to put boots down, and Iran certainly is in no position to do anything after since they have no means of deploying anything. Let em fire somethng at Israel in rataliation, and Israel will become the new governing faction of Iran in a heart beat......I say let the fireworks begin why fool with them they are not going to change their minds, sanctions is not going to change a thing, so do it and get it over with, and we can then get back to our regularly scheduled programs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
I am for taking out the nuke plants and any assoicated stuff. I seriously doubt we will put boots down in the country and it will be done by aircraft anbd cruise missiles.......There really is no need to put boots down, and Iran certainly is in no position to do anything after since they have no means of deploying anything. Let em fire somethng at Israel in rataliation, and Israel will become the new governing faction of Iran in a heart beat......I say let the fireworks begin why fool with them they are not going to change their minds, sanctions is not going to change a thing, so do it and get it over with, and we can then get back to our regularly scheduled programs.
you southerners have the right idea...BLAST EM then go home!!!!

darth tang

Active Member
I wish we wouldn't have such a tight "leash" on Isreal. They could handle and deal with this a lot more effectively and expeditiously thann we or the UN would.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I wish we wouldn't have such a tight "leash" on Isreal. They could handle and deal with this a lot more effectively and expeditiously thann we or the UN would.
Unfortunately, however, can you imagine how ugly things would get in Iraq right now if Israel attacked a muslim country?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Unfortunately, however, can you imagine how ugly things would get in Iraq right now if Israel attacked a muslim country?
I can only hope....oops... I mean imagine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Unfortunately, however, can you imagine how ugly things would get in Iraq right now if Israel attacked a muslim country?
Yup, the same thing as before. Israel, supplied by the USA would embarass the hell out of the muslim world again :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
They seemed estatic to see us invade.

you would look estatic too towards the camera if you had a tank pointed at you.
they dont want us there... trust me


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I wish we wouldn't have such a tight "leash" on Isreal. They could handle and deal with this a lot more effectively and expeditiously thann we or the UN would.
i think the smartest thing the US could do is say to Isreal "sorry guys... you are on your own for this" and break our alliance with them.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i think the smartest thing the US could do is say to Isreal "sorry guys... you are on your own for this" and break our alliance with them.
For stability, I disagree. Without our backing, other middle eastern countries would try to invade or openly attack Isreal. This has been proven by history. Granted Isreal can take care of itself as history has also proven, but it would throw the middle east into further chaos and war.
In the interest of world stability we back Isreal. Amongst other reasons as well, but that is one of the top reasons.


New Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
For stability, I disagree. Without our backing, other middle eastern countries would try to invade or openly attack Isreal. This has been proven by history. Granted Isreal can take care of itself as history has also proven, but it would throw the middle east into further chaos and war.
In the interest of world stability we back Isreal. Amongst other reasons as well, but that is one of the top reasons.
Israel can take care of itself with unlimited US backing.
In the interest of world stability we back Isreal
Not working very well is it?

Are you sure your backing the right side? The other one has the oil, and besides that, the Arabs don't go round using tanks against kids throwing stones.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by JessesDiet
Israel can take care of itself with unlimited US backing.
Not working very well is it?

Are you sure your backing the right side? The other one has the oil, and besides that, the Arabs don't go round using tanks against kids throwing stones.

No, they just fly planes full of hostages into buildings contain civilians all while unprovoked......Or strap bombs to themselves and run into coffee shops killing kids and civilians.
I have never seen Isreal kill those ONLY throwing stones.......
And while I am thinking about...apparently our backing of Isreal HAS caused some semblance of stability. When was the last time an arab nation tried to invade Isreal? When was the last time Isreal attacked another country? Exactly.


Active Member
I lay a wager on Israel anyday to do the job and do it right if the time comes......with or without the aide of the USA.........Israel has huge stock piles of materials and the brains and manpower to do something with it if the need ever cutting their supply would be meaningless on most everything. Odds are USA and other countries would be shiping it in the back door like the Frenmch and Russians and Germans did with if Iran ever feels froggy enoguh to jump or push some of the wrong buttons I don't think it would be a surprise to any country to wake up and find Iran just a smoking hole in the middle east. Same goes for any other ocuntry intimidating or trying to do Israel in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
you would look estatic too towards the camera if you had a tank pointed at you.
they dont want us there... trust me
I don't trust the post...I was talking about Iraqi citizens forced from their own country who fled to the good ole U.S. of A. seeking refuge.


Where do you think Iran gets its money to develop nukes :mad: It is is all of us who pay the Outragious gas prices that funds there nuke program. Since there #2 producer of oil in the world
we have to figure out a way to stop buying there oil. Yea right that will never happen. And since president Bush is from oil money he is just getting richer by the day and dosent care what we pay at the pumps! :notsure:


Active Member
Perhaps if the Democrats would quit blocking the safe production of domestic resources you wouldn't have to pay a fortune for gas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Perhaps if the Democrats would quit blocking the safe production of domestic resources you wouldn't have to pay a fortune for gas.
Right On!!!!
Is there anybody here that believes that's NOT why Alaska is a state???