is 101 watts of 50/50 enough for a bta



hi i was just wondering if 101 watts of 50/50 lighting is good because i bought a buubletip and put it in my 10 and it died i wonder there was not enough lighting in my 10 thanks :help:


Originally Posted by 24aqua
how old is the tank?
the tannk is 3 months old with water from my established 20


Originally Posted by 24aqua
whats your parameters?
i just ran ut of tests i do water changes every week how many gallons should i do a week i thinh my emerald crab could do something to do with it


your emerald has nothing to do with it 2gl is fine in a tank that small your parameters could go up and down your ph or somthing might have droped you ran out of all your test kits???!!!did you research first b-4 buying this animal,how long did you acclimate?what can you test your water for?


Originally Posted by 24aqua
your emerald has nothing to do with it 2gl is fine in a tank that small your parameters could go up and down your ph or somthing might have droped you ran out of all your test kits???!!!did you research first b-4 buying this animal,how long did you acclimate?what can you test your water for?
i really didnt leave it floating for 5 minutes know iddint research it i messed up badly


yes you should always read up so somthing like this dosent happen you have no test kits you should never bought the bta and not been abel to test the water your parameters were diff from the lfs and you should have drip acclimate for at least 1 hr,i suggest you get everything you need b-4 getting a bta,cal,alk,ph,mag,nit,nitra,


Originally Posted by 24aqua
yes you should always read up so somthing like this dosent happen you have no test kits you should never bought the bta and not been abel to test the water your parameters were diff from the lfs and you should have drip acclimate for at least 1 hr,i suggest you get everything you need b-4 getting a bta,cal,alk,ph,mag,nit,nitra,
whats drp acclinate and i have zoos and polyps and there fine i dont know


your lfs should have them its a tube that has a nozzel on the end that lets you drip the water like a drip every few seconds so what ever your buying has time to slowly acclimate to the water how long was it alive?did it start to bleach?did you ever feed it?


Originally Posted by 24aqua
your lfs should have them its a tube that has a nozzel on the end that lets you drip the water like a drip every few seconds so what ever your buying has time to slowly acclimate to the water how long was it alive?did it start to bleach?did you ever feed it?
i fed it the first day never bleached then the next dat it looked like something attacked it iint he middle


This thread makes my head hurt. Is it that difficult to use complete sentences and proper punctuation? You'll get a lot more help if your posts are easier to read.