Is 3/8" thick plywood o.k. for MH?


I'm in the process of making a custom hood for my MH. I'm wondering if 3/8" thick plywood is o.k. to use(already purchased by grandad) for the hood or would there be problems. Should I sand down the whole hood after I get done putting it together? Should I keep it secure by using screws and glue(made for wood)? I'm planning on making the hood 10" high or should I go higher or lower? The top will be open. Any other insight would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
The only problem with 3/8 is there is not much material there for nailing or screwing. It will do just fins as far as strength goes as long as it is built solid. What kind of wood is it? And is it a sheet or pieces? Also how do you plan on finishing it, paint, or stain?


It's sheet, not pieces. Today I cut it and sanded it down and I'm heading to HomeDepot to get some glue and screws. I'll be staining it also.It's cured plywood.


Active Member
Be carefull when screwing the pieces together. 3/8 is pretty thin to screw into. Hope to see pics when it is done.