Is 30 gal out of the question


New Member
I currently moved a 30 reef to a 60 setup and everything is going well. My question is My husband wants to start a aggressive using my old 30 gal. the tank dimentions are 12" 24 deep 30" wide. I don't know to much about these setups. What can be keept in this size tank.


Active Member
snowflake eel would do good in there by himself. not too much else you could put in there agressive besides damsels b/c most agrssiv fish get real large. bo


Here's 3 fish that could work together in a 30 gal tank, not aggressive, but it would put the tank to work.
1 purple firefish
1 perc clown
1 sixline wrasse
Or you could start over your reef tank in the 30 when you move all the old stuff into your 60.


My friend currently has a small lion fish and a chain link eel in a 30 gallon tall. Both fish love it and are very healthy, However the fish will eventually outgrow this setup so plan for the future!!!
What about maybe a clownfish and an anthia or two?
Both are territorial and this way he could get some nice color in the tank w/o having to worry about the tank being outgrown.


New Member
I have a 30 gal agressive tank with a pinktail trigger and a porcupine pufferfish.
And it has been set up for about 4 months .granted it will require a new tank but i belive i can get away with atleast 3 more month maybe a little more but my point is u can do it .I do a water change every week of appx 5 gallons plus i change the filter media every month


A small puff would probably work (sharpnoise family) and they can hold their own pretty well, depending on there size.


You could put a dwarf lion in the tank, they are aggressive and are awesome to look at! They do not get big at all, and would not outgrow the tank. I was just reading another post about a 29G, and the recommendation there was, a dwarf lion, with another fish that would still be small, but big enough the lion would not eat it. Personally I would get the lion and not put anything in with it. :)


theres no way you can keep triggers lions and puffers with triggers the most you can do with that tank is the snowflake and 1 or 2 damsels
i also advise an agressive freshwater tank will chiclids!! very agressive and easier to take care of then a saltwater! Chiclids are VERY colorful and will pretty much dominate the tank and will kill anything else you put in it besides other chilids!
(they always have frowns on they're faces)!!
;) :) ;0