Is 45Lbs of LRock Enough?


I got 45Lbs of Premium Figi LR today and Im going to put it in my 125 gallon uncured. Is this enough to do the cycle or should I get 2 damsels today? I am using CC, had good experience with it and Im going to have just FOWLR. What do you guys think?


It'll be fine to start the cycle but you might want a little more so that you can stack it better. It really depends on how you aquascape it. But, IMO, 45 lbs probably won't be enough to do the tank.
About the damsel thing, some people on here will say it's cruel, others will say go for it. I started my tank with damsels and I still have them. They survived and are tougher now. I do regret putting them in though, not because of animal "rights" but b/c they're a pain to get out later when you have a bunch of LR in there.


I would personally go ith alot more for that size tank. A 125 is a larger tank and is probably going to need more rock for the filtration of the tank and the macroalgea,copepods ect, to flourish properly in my opinion. I have a 55 gallon reef tank that has at least 75 lbs of rock in it and just started cycling my 185gallon with 45 lbs of rock and didnt even put a dent into the tnk of what it really needs... and yes it gets expensive just for the dang rock:( but i dont think you will be disappointed if you get more...and as for the damsels good look getting them out once your tank has cycled.


Hi MJordan23,
45 lbs of uncured LR should be plenty to start the cycle in your FOWLR.
Just make sure you rinse it well in salt H2O and remove all squishy stuff i.e. sponges etc.
Watch your ammonia levels closely, if they go above .5 you should do a water change to prevent excessive die off and the need to do a massive water change at the end of the cycle to reduce nitrates. You will of course still need to do a water change regardless but the amount will be less if you avoid a massive build up of ammonia.
Run all your pumps, filters and lights while cycling.
Hope this helps, ask questions if there is anything else you need to know. :happyfish


Right now I cant afford any more LR, I do have some dead rock that Im putting in and hopefully will get some live stuff on it. So if I got damsels now and the ammonia built up from the LR, would it kill the damsels?


JMO, but I really think the damsels would be unnecessary.
That uncured LR will provide plenty of ammonia to start the cycle.
Also as an after thought, later you will probably want to get rid of the damsels due to their aggressive nature towards other fish. Trying to catch damsels is a real pain in the butt.
If you doubt it do a search on all the folks who have tried and read their accounts of "damsel capture". Not fun!