is a 6 gallon tank big enough for qt/intro?


i just bought a eclipce 6 gal tank w/the filter w/bio wheel in the hood. would this be lg enough for a qt/intro tank?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
pretty small tank to start out with, you're going to have to watch the levels very close. Any change can throw your paramaters way off. You really could only put 1 maybe 2 small fish in that tank, but like i said a small tank is alot harder than a large one (less margin for error).
Is this going to be a fish only tank??


just a tank to hold new fish in quarentine(sp) for a week to see if its eating, no disease. a qt for sick fish. i guess it would be sm for a fish that grew larger later on, but i could get a bigger one b4 my fish got too big for it as a qt. the tanks at my local lfs seem to be only abt 5 gal(of course their filtration is on a much bigger scale).

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
sorry i guess i didnt read that right, i guess if the fish is small. If you put an already sick fish into a small tank it might stress them out even more.