is a BTA right for my tank?



i have a 20 gal with live rock, a few kenya trees, 2 mushrooms, 2 green chromis and a pajama cardinal. i dont know if a small BTA and 2 clownfish are right for my tank, so any feedback would help!!


Active Member
When you put the BTA into the tank, he will drift around and sting other corals. So im not sure if that would be a good idea.


New Member
i had a BTA for about 9 months.. the first day i put him in my tank....he never moved... i guess he thought the spot was perfect for him... after about 7 months, i put in some blue lcd night lights, and that same night it started moving... i asked my local fish guy who i purchased it off of, said that the night light shouldn't affect it, but i still think it did...and then my daughter was born, and i slacked bad on my tank.. and it died... i still feel badly, esp since it took about 4 months for my clown fish to pair up with it....and now the clown looks lost with out it. ill get another one in a month after i move my tank to another room....


i have LED lighting, and the tank is about 2 months old, and has yet to cycle, which is odd... but i do have 2 heads of frogspawn i got just a few days ago and it is very happy


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by frakes http:///forum/thread/383851/is-a-bta-right-for-my-tank#post_3361393
i have LED lighting, and the tank is about 2 months old, and has yet to cycle, which is odd... but i do have 2 heads of frogspawn i got just a few days ago and it is very happy
What do you mean by your tank has yet to cycle? Tanks are continuously cycleing all the time. Are you saying the tank never experienced an ammonia, nitrite and nitrate spike?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/383851/is-a-bta-right-for-my-tank#post_3364783
Not a smart idea. Super aggressive anemone. I've personally seen mine eat fish. I would not suggest one in a 20G. Look into a Sebae when your tank is ready.
A sebae in a 20 gallon? I would highly advise against this. Sebaes can grow to be at least 20 inches versus the 12 inches for the BTA. Also (my anemone tid bit for the month), BTA's tend to grow larger in dimmer waters. This is due to them straining for light. So if there is intense lighting, the BTA may be the better option for the tank.


Active Member
your tank is to small and until your water parameters are steady for 5-6 months don't look at other anems.what brand of leds do you have?


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/383851/is-a-bta-right-for-my-tank#post_3364827
A sebae in a 20 gallon? I would highly advise against this. Sebaes can grow to be at least 20 inches versus the 12 inches for the BTA. Also (my anemone tid bit for the month), BTA's tend to grow larger in dimmer waters. This is due to them straining for light. So if there is intense lighting, the BTA may be the better option for the tank.
Very true. I'm only speaking for experience with Sebaes. To me, they've always grown much smaller and were less aggressive than Condy's or BTA's.
IMO, the only anemone's for a 20G would be a Rock anemone or mini carpet or something along those lines. I have kept BTA's in my 14G, but I also frag them or move them when they get too large.


well yesterday i got 2 clownfish and a small BTA for an early b-day gift, and all three are doing great, so we will have to see how it goes