Is a DSB pointless with a wrasse?


New Member
I really want to get a 12 line, or perhaps 4 line, wrasse for our 92 gal. I've been doing a lot of reading on dsb's. It seems that a wrasse would eat a lot of the good creatures you need in a dsb in order for it to do its natural filtration thing. Does anyone have knowledge or input on this? I'd love to do a DSB. The tank isn't set up yet so there's time to get more sand but I'd rather skip the DSB than the wrasse. Lol!

aztec reef

Active Member
I don't think is "pointless" but it would definetly be Less efficient, But not to the point where it would Crash. It's doable and i don't see a problem a would do a DSB of at least 4". Also If you're worried about it, To keep the sandbed live with plenty biodiversity you will need to tune it Up every 12mos with a detrivor kit from a seafarm..