Is a Rock Anemone a Risk to a Frogspawn?


My rock anemone has moved and grown. It is just a few inches from my growing frogspawn. Will the bother each other? I can easily move the rock anemone if there is any risk of damage to either. I don't mind them being close, if they don't mind, but I don't want any problems. TIA!~


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tekisui
My rock anemone has moved and grown. It is just a few inches from my growing frogspawn. Will the bother each other? I can easily move the rock anemone if there is any risk of damage to either. I don't mind them being close, if they don't mind, but I don't want any problems. TIA!~

As long as they don't touch..they are fine. You can't move the rock will go where it wants to go.