Is a True Percula hard to keep?


I have recently bought this clownfish and I have read up on him being a medium maintenance fish. Well, this bothers me because I am new into this hobby and I want him to live long. I hope I have enough knowledge to take care of him. I have good water quality right now except for a lil problem in my ammonia right now, and I have 2 damsels and 20 inverts(snails and crab). I have had my tank up for almost 8 weeks now.
I just want him to live a long and nice life. I just hope he is not over my head right now. Any advice in keeping him? Any thing special I need him to do?


Clownfish are one of the easiest fish to keep, I have one now that has survived my tank cycle.
...just a thought...


Active Member
clowns may or may not survive a cycle, that being said, it is reasonably safe to assume that they are an easy fish to care for, most fish will not survive the cycle,and they eat almost anything(they are herbivores), you jsut have to watch your amm. and trates, other than that they really are pretty easy(maybe ick too, but not near as suceptible as others)