Is adding one more fish asking for trouble?


I've got a 36g bowfront corner tank. Right now I've got about 17lb live rock in it (still working on that... that stuff's expensive!!). It's been up and running for a little over a year. Anyway, I've currently got two Engineer Gobies, a Hawaiian Blue-Spotted Puffer, and a dwarf Lion. The puffer is probably 2.5", the dwarf lion about 2". The only other things I've got are a few hermit crabs, a Sally Lightfoot crab, and a couple brittle stars.
I'll probably be transferring the Engineers to another tank, because they're a PITA and keep collapsing my rock.
Anyway, the LFS has a Bursa Trigger that I absolutely love. I know they're aggressive, but the puffer and lion pretty much are too. He's no more than an inch and a half right now, and they said he grows to about 7.5" when full size. Would this be asking for trouble? I don't know how long it takes him to get bigger; 7.5" in there is pretty big, but if it takes a few years, I'll have a bigger tank by then. I've got a 75g that I can use as a "backup" tank, but I can't have aggressive fish in there, so I'd just have to move the Engineers.
Any suggestions?


triggers are pretty aggressive he will probably leave your lion alone but more than likley will chase your puffer.


I think your tank is a bit small for a fish that will grow that size I would think that you need to stay with a fish that stays smaller.


Yeah, I figure at 8" it's a bit big for the tank... but if it takes two years to get half that size, then it wouldn't be a problem; I'll have a larger tank (more than likely a 125g) at that point. If it takes three months to get that size on the other hand, then it's a definite "no".


Originally Posted by Saltyfishy
would niger trigger be fine in a 55 gallon? I read that they may eat inverts.
Niger Triggers grow to over a foot long, don't they? That might be pushing it.
There's a Niger in a tank at a LFS that's easily over a foot long, and it does tricks -- if you tilt your head, it'll spin all the way around 360 degrees sideways. Doesn't do it every time, but when it's feeling playful, it'll do it constantly with you. Hilarious.


Active Member
I agree I think you have enough fish in there since there mostly meat eating fish there messy.


Active Member
Also, triggers actually do pose a risk to nipping at the fins of lionfish. I don't recommend one of any size for that size - and especially that footprint - of a tank. At this point you have two "dwarf" aggressive fish and you want to throw in a larger bonafide aggressive and I think it would be a big mistake. :yes: If you haven't already, you may also want to get advice from those in the aggressive fish forum.


OK, sounds like it's a bad idea. They're not reef safe either I see, so it's a step in the wrong direction anyway. Are there any reef safe triggers? Or any at all that'd be okay in a tank of this size -- even with only one or two other fish?