? is eating my blue linckia starfish



I have a 75 gallon reef aquarium and tonight I was viewing my tank at night with a light because it's so amazing the difference. I have a blue linckia starfish and it was wedged into a crevace in a rock. I noticed this little "shrimp" like thing on one of his legs. It honestly looking like it was eating him or sucking his blood so I put my hand in and shooed it away. Sure enough there was a hole in my starfish's leg where this thing was. It does look like the pictures of Amphipods but when it took off it stretched out like a worm. What in the world do you guys think this could be and how do I get rid of it.
I wont let some shrimp worm thing eat my starfish darn it!! Oh, all the tanks parameters are great and the starfish has been doing wonderful. He's been moving all over the tank and I know that he's not dead because after the shrimp worm took off he went further into the rock.


Well-Known Member
What ever it is, I would probably try to remove it until you can positively identify what it is. Bristleworm, maybe? Starfish are pretty resilient. As long as you get the perpitrator out he should heal fine. Do you see any more of these creatures in the tank or was this the only one?
Deffinately try to get pics if possible.